Homeslice - Mini Bites of Design Inspiration

Written By: Alyssa Moreno

Then came Christmas...

Christmas interrupts our regularly scheduled programs, brings us lights and family (even if it’s through a Zoom call) and WAYYY too much food.  Whether you are a holiday-loving nut or turn into a frizzy ball of stress, one thing is always true; PUTTING AWAY HOLIDAY DECOR IS A PAIN!

I don’t know about you, but I have to move side tables, chairs, scootch my sofa over just to get the tree in that PERFECT spot in front of the window. However, it does give us an opportunity that we don’t have very often. We get to see our spaces as a blank slate.

After this season of excess, (and ohhhh, so much glitter) it’s nice to start 2021 with a clear head and a refreshed space. Hang on to your sweatpants! 

Here are 4 easy ways to help you feel good in your home and slay 2021. 


1. Sofa

How much is your comfort worth?

A new sofa or chairs can come with a big price tag, but if you're smart, it’s worth the cost.  

Update your sofa.


It’s time, and let’s be honest…. It was time after the 3rd peanut butter sandwich got stuffed into the cushion. Life happens and that’s expected. That’s why we have an amazing selection of performance fabrics and style options for you to choose from. Adding a new clean sofa that you know you can rely on for everyday use can instantly make your home feel like new. Way to save: refresh your upholstery by adding new pillows and a blanket. Dress up that sofa!





“Lighting is the jewelry of your home”

floor lamp.JPG

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it till I die. Lighting is the jewelry of your home and is CRITICAL. Light is not only important for ambiance and making your home cozy, it’s an important detail in the overall design of your home. Marble, brass, ceramic, colorful, vintage, a lamp can change a space. Have table lamps you love? A new clean shade can give it new life. Maybe a corner could use a floor lamp with a little personality. Layer your lighting. Ambient, task and accent

*Ambient is your main lighting source that makes a uniform level of light such as can lighting and overhead lighting.

*Task lighting is table, floor and pendant lights.

* Accent lighting is spot lights for art, track lighting and any light used to highlight a piece in the home. 

When all of the layers of lighting are jiving together the impact can be phenomenal! You can have beautiful flooring & furniture but does your vibe feels “off”?

It’s most likely a lighting issue. 


So many people think that they can’t have rugs because of their lifestyle. I’m here to tell you that you just need to find the right rug for YOUR lifestyle. Big family with 12 dogs and a cat? A shag rug that holds dirt, grime and goldfish is probably not the best option. One with little to no pile, made out of synthetic fibers might be best for you; easy to clean and a great price. We even have indoor/outdoor options that you can take outside and power wash clean. It’s amazing.  If you are ballin’ on a budget, we have TONS of large designer rugs at discounted prices that would knock your socks off. 


3. Rugs

You just need to find the right rug for YOUR lifestyle


4. Art

“Color is your friend!”

Large scale art will make your home feel bright and welcoming.  Art is an opportunity to show your personality and have some fun. It can be a conversation starter, simply something to make you smile, or filled with colors you love. If you don’t have time or resources to paint your space, art gives color and movement to your walls. 


After this past year has changed how we live, we need to take a deep breath in and a slow exhale. Our homes have become a safe space in every sense of the word. This year has changed the way we live, quite frankly, some shifts could be permanent. Now is the time to make your home function better for you and your family. A place you love to be. 

At Homenclature, we believe: 

 Good design makes us happyA functioning space gives you a clear head

Color can change your moods and motivationYou should LOVE every piece in your home

A knowledgeable shopper, is an empowered shopper

Scale and proportion are the most important principles of design

It’s your home, so it’s your rules. We are just here to help guide you through.


By: Alyssa Moreno

“Homenclature Designer Extraordinaire”