Console Yourself.

Universal recipe for success when styling your console tables.

Focus Daniel-San - 

  1. The first ingredient in the recipe for a stylish, well balanced console table is a FOCAL POINT. This can be anything large enough to hold the viewers main focus. A mirror, a piece of art, even a tapestry would be a good choice. Tip: Keep the size of the focal point about ⅔ the length of your console. For example, you have a 88” console table. You would need a focal point that is roughly 40”- 60” at its widest point. 

  2. HEIGHT is the second ingredient. Varying heights make the viewer’s eye flow within the room. Height also adds interest and ensures balance can be achieved. Lamps work beautifully as a height element and can add ambiance to a room. Tip: florals and grasses can soften a collection of items and give them a more organic twist. Florals are great for accents of color.

  3. BALANCE is the third ingredient and can be a bit tricky. It may take a bit of rearranging until you get it right. Tip: A taller piece on the left needs a wider, lighter counterpart on the right. It could be a wide heavy bowl with moss, candlesticks or maybe a sculpture. You will know when it looks and feels right. Amazingly, our brains are wired for balance and symmetry so trust yourself. 

  4. The fourth ingredient is FILLER. This can be books, accessories you love, picture frames or anything that is a smaller scale. Tip: filler is another opportunity to bring in a different texture such as glass, decorative balls, or antique figures you found at the thrift store. Honestly, the world is your oyster. Just be cautious not to go overboard with too much filler.

  5. STORAGE. Listen, let's sit crooked and talk straight…. EVERYONE has junk… just admit it. You need places to put “said” junk. Drawers work great for those coupon books your husband refuses to throw away, mail that needs to be sorted, or a place to hide your daughter’s Frozen sing-a-long book after hearing “Let It Go” for the 30th time that day. Maybe you are a practical person and need a place to put batteries (IDK) or something. Those drawers will come in handy. I PROMISE. 

    TIP: Baskets work well for stowing extra pillows, blankets, toys or shoes. 

    Once you’ve put all of your ingredients together in one spot then the Rule of Odds is going to mix and tie everything together. The Rule of Odds basically states that items in a cluster of odd numbers (usually 3) are more appealing to the eye. Even numbers tend to look stale and stagnant. Our eyes look for odd numbers because it seems more natural (it’s science).  This rule is used from architecture to photography. My favorite professor in college taught me an easy trick for the rule of odds. She said “keep the clusters in a triangle. Whether it is furniture or decor, if you can make the triangle, you will find balance.” That principle has always proven true, and I hope these tips help you rock those accessories.


“You remember the lesson about balance? Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance, everything be better. Understand?”

  • Mister Miyagi


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