How We Help Find the Right Furnishings for You

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With spring just around the corner (hopefully) clients are coming out of the woodwork in hopes of redoing sunrooms, outdoor living spaces and finishing those projects that got pushed to the back burner last year and are now driving your spouse nuts. The Honey-Do list has now turned into Honey-Hurry-The-Heck-Up list.

During this influx of busy bee project-focused clients, somebody told me the other day what a great sales person I was. She certainly meant as a compliment. I thought about her comment for a minute. And then I realized I’m not a sales person at all.

I just ask a lot of questions to help figure out what’s the best option for that client. If you’ve been in, you know our store obviously has a wide variety of style and quality as well as price points. The old adage “you get what you pay for” has a bit of a blurred line now in the current marketplace. I start by asking questions like...

How long are you planning on keeping this furniture,
how long have you had your last sofa,
do you have children,
do you have pets,
do you allow your family to eat in this room,
do you entertain much,
is there direct sunlight,
are you planning on moving anytime soon,
is this the room that gets the most use in your home,
are you replacing one piece or a room full or the house full, is a warranty important to you?…

The list goes on depending on the client’s answers. I personally talk as many people out of purchases as I do into them.

Our team is focused on making sure clients
get the right pieces for their lifestyle.

I never want anyone to walk into their home and look at something they got at Homenclature as a mistake.

So when you’re going furniture shopping, do yourself a favor and
follow the Boy Scout motto: BE PREPARED.

Bring measurements, photographs, fabric samples, tile and carpet samples—anything that you think will help guide you through the decision-making process.